Friday, February 16, 2018

STEM Nights For America!

 Last night we had another STEM night, this time at a nearby elementary school. We set up a pelt table, a bird feet/mystery box table, and an outreach table. The teacher whos room we were set up in for the night had a few kids of her own who were at the STEM night and the youngest of them kept coming back in the room and "helping" us teach other families about all of the biofacts we had displayed. It was adorable.
Nobody thought the red fox was a squirrel this time, which was a nice break from the norm. We had quite a few kids who had never heard of a badger or a weasel before though, so it was cool to watch them investigate those pelts in particular.
A few of the kids who came in were able to identify every species we had represented without hesitation, so I asked if they wanted my job (they giggled and looked at their moms as if to ask if that would be ok).
Overall, it was a pretty good event. We were able to educate/talk to around 303 people throughout the event and exposed some people to wildlife they had never seen before and had certainly never been able to touch.
How Neat Is That?!



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